Law Society Gazette 26 January 2015

Time for hi-tech courts in crime

The prospect of criminal hearings held routinely by video in ‘virtual courtrooms’ has come a step closer with the publication of a study by the president of the Queen’s Bench Division on streamlining the criminal justice system to cut costs. Sir Brian Leveson’s review contends that criminal courts are ‘lagging significantly’ behind the business world in their use of IT.

27 January 2005

Claim ownership of regulation

If there is one issue that all solicitors can unite on, it is the need for so-called claims farmers to be regulated. While Sir David Clementi ducked it in his report, the government had already given the claims management industry one last chance to shape up or have regulation imposed.

25 January 1995

World link

Clifford Chance has claimed to be the first international law firm to establish an information server on the World Wide Web. The link means that articles written by the firm’s lawyers can be disseminated to other Internet users around the world. The firm’s Internet ‘address’ is ‘’.

22 January 1975

Postbox: 1919 Club

I was interested to note that the 1919 Club is engaged in trying to obtain tax relief for the expenses working women are obliged to incur in employing domestic help to look after children while they are working. Surely this same relief should be equally applicable to working men on any salary they pay wives?

January 1965

A National Law Service?

What a lark it would be if law were to be administered in the same way as we administer medicine in this country. Everyone discommoded by the slightest grievance, which nowadays they have to put out of their minds or endure, would be knocking at their family solicitor’s door at all hours, seven days a week. Very soon family solicitors would be much too harassed to think.
