Law Society Gazette 29 September 2014

Not right for the job?

Above the party fray, the view is gaining ground that Chris Grayling is simply the wrong person for the job. Just as David Cameron should never have appointed two inexperienced junior barristers as the government’s law officers, the prime minister should not have given the job of lord chancellor to a non-lawyer who still harbours political ambitions.

30 September 2004

Society power shake-up

The Law Society moved closer to a historic separation of its regulatory and representative functions last week, ahead of the December publication of Sir David Clementi’s report into legal services.

28 September 1994

Sir David Napley dies

Sir David Napley, former president of the Law Society and one of the most distinguished solicitors in Britain, died at the weekend. He was 79. The list of Sir David’s clients is peppered with high profile names. He defended Jeremy Thorpe, the Liberal leader charged with incitement and conspiracy, and Harvey Proctor, the Tory MP who admitted gross indecency.

26 September 1984

How to advertise – if you want to

Now that it has actually happened – solicitors can advertise from 1 October 1984 – many must be trying to assess exactly what this means for them. One thing which both proponents and critics seem to have overlooked is the fact that allowing solicitors to advertise does not mean necessarily that all will – the change is permissive.

September 1954

Motor Car Act, 1903

The main purpose of this act was to establish and create machinery for the enforcement of a speed limit of 20 miles per hour; anyone driving in excess of this by however small a margin was liable to be heavily fined. All over the country police ‘traps’ were set up and the courts collected substantial sums in fines from motorists.
