Law Society Gazette 19 May 2014

Firms could be hit by EU data ruling

A ‘right to be forgotten’ by databases is already a legal reality in the EU, the Court of Justice of the European Union has suggested. Ruling that search engine giant Google should be treated as a data controller, the court ordered the deletion of links to newspaper reports of an incident in the past of Spanish complainant Mario Costeja Gonzalez.

13 May 2004

Voluntary HIPs call

The Law Society has urged the government not to make the controversial home information pack (HIP) compulsory. The Society’s view is that HIPs will delay the marketing of properties and cost sellers several hundred pounds – money which could be wasted if the property is not sold immediately. The government intends to introduce HIPs on 1 January 2007.

18 May 1994

A constitutional balancing act

There is no doubt that a role still exists for the office of lord chancellor but this has evolved and must continue to evolve to suit the demands of the constitution. We are presently witnessing a change in the emphasis of the lord chancellor’s responsibilities from the judicial to the executive.

16 May 1984

Everyone an estate agent

Following the announcement that Woolworth, which owns more than 900 shops throughout the country, will be leasing floor space to estate agents, the stores group Debenhams, which owns 68 department stores, has revealed plans for an all-embracing property service. The entry of such a group with so much financial muscle must pose a severe threat to estate agents.

15 May 1974

Putting the Foot in

Created under an act that aroused much political bitterness, the brief career of the National Industrial Relations Court was destined to be a stormy one. The impression that the court went from one confrontation with the trade unions to another will almost certainly be how it is remembered.


