The Law Society Gazette, 19 October 2006

ILH is first to float

Australian company Integrated Legal Holdings (ILH) is set to become the first legal business in the world to float. An initial public offering opened this week with the aim of raising A$14 million (£5.6m). ILH has already acquired three law firms in Western Australia.

16 October 1996

Voters reject split Society

Solicitors have decisively rejected a call to divide the regulatory and representative roles of the Law Society. The results of a postal ballot were 14,199 votes in favour of the status quo and 8,881 in favour of a split.

October 1966

Archbishop’s committee on divorce

The principle of breakdown of marriage as the ground for divorce is to be welcomed, but to make the parties prove this by evidence to a court is absurd. Every divorce case would become similar to present cruelty cases which tend to make the parties neurotic because of their length and the fact that all incidents which can be called cruel have to be dredged out of memories, perhaps over 30 years.  

October 1946

Notes of the month

Sympathy with the homeless will not prevent lawyers from welcoming the government’s action to uphold the law and restrict the activities of ‘squatters’. ‘Without law the people perish.’ A vivid spotlight of the housing position was given by the minister of health recently when he said that local authorities in London held no fewer than 57,000 requisitioned properties giving accommodation for 91,000 families. 

October 1936

Students’ tour of Germany

Such regimentation was either comic, awe-inspiring, or a little terrifying, and I shall long remember the sight of a body of S.S. (black tunics) marching through the dusk. Later, amid scenes of wild enthusiasm, many of us were fortunate enough to see the Führer in person. 

October 1916

The Roll of Honour

DICKENS, Cedric Charles, Major, 13th Batt. London Regt., was killed in action on the 11th September. He was the son of Mr H.F. Dickens KC and grandson of the late Charles Dickens. He was admitted in November 1913.
