The Law Society Gazette, July 1964

The president’s inaugural address

This is a world of constant change. It is also an era when there would sometimes appear to be, despite the blessing of an expanding economy, some dissatisfaction and discontent. The old disciplines appear in some cases to have been sacrificed. News of irresponsible teenagers may well have obtained a completely disproportionate share of the space in our daily newspapers.

Great institutions such as the Police have often been subjected to unwarranted attack.

Gazette, July 1954

House purchase

In the Daily Mirror there appears an article by a Mr Paul Cave in which warning was given to prospective house purchasers about the ‘extras’ they might be required to pay. In particular, the article cited solicitors’ charges, and, after quoting the appropriate conveyancing charges on a £1,800 and a £3,500 house on registered and unregistered land, went on to suggest ‘there should be no need to go to a private solicitor to purchase a house… The whole business should be done by the local council’s housing department as a service to ratepayers.’

Gazette, July 1944

Notes of the month

The Home Secretary has referred justices and chief constables to the recommendation of the Departmental Committee on Justices’ Clerks that the term ‘Magistrates Courts’ should be used instead of ‘Police Courts’.  

Gazette, July 1924

The provincial meeting 1924

The provincial meeting will this year be held in Manchester. The Lord Mayor of Manchester will give a Reception at the Town Hall. In the evening there will be a Banquet at the Midland Hotel, to be followed by music, and ladies will be invited to attend to hear the speeches and the music.

Members proposing to attend the meeting should signify their intention, stating whether they will be accompanied by a lady.
