A stroll down Gazette memory lane

Gazette 26 May 2011

Battle for dominance

A fresh breeze is blowing through Whitehall. After years of benign neglect, the commercial legal sector has been recognised by the government as an engine for economic growth, deserving of support abroad. In its action plan published last week, the Ministry of Justice undertakes to promote UK legal services abroad by seeking to break down regulatory barriers in overseas markets and by facilitating promotional activities.

24 May 2001

Redress scheme set to tackle complaints

Clients who refuse reasonable offers from their solicitors to settle complaints might have their cases closed under a blueprint for a complaints redress scheme. First details of the scheme were seen by the Law Society’s ruling council last week.

22 May 1991

Call for MoJ to co-ordinate legal services

The ongoing debate over a Ministry of Justice was given fresh impetus this week with a speech by the president of the Law Society urging the setting up of a single department to cover the entire field of legal services.

May 1971

Lawyers under fire from planners

The report of the Roskill Commission on the siting of a third London airport has had some strange repercussions including the burning in effigy of the High Court judge who chaired it. Now we understand that one of the commissioners disputed whether judges should chair such inquiries since experience had shown that ‘non legal people can perfectly well handle semi-courtroom procedures’.

May 1921

London University Matriculation

A grievance which has long been felt by solicitors desirous of proceeding to degrees in the university, who have been disbarred by the fact that they did not in their school days present themselves for the Matriculation Examination, has now been successfully abated by the issue of new regulations.
