Oasis tour poster

‘What’s the story… with dynamic ticket pricing… and where did it all go wrong?’

Source: Alamy

The reunion of Oasis (a popular music combo, m’lud) generated more than its share of headlines during this year’s news ‘silly season’. So well done to City firm Lewis Silkin for shoehorning the most apt song titles into legal commentary on the row over the dynamic pricing of tour tickets.

Authors Geraint Lloyd-Taylor and Helen Hart hit the ground running with the headline: ‘What’s the story… with dynamic ticket pricing… and where did it all go wrong?’

They continued: ‘After waiting several hours and Going Nowhere (feeling they’d have to Live Forever in an interminable queue), many fans were given a short window of time to decide if they were willing to Acquiesce and shell out, or hang up and simply Look Back In Anger. Some Might Say most of their fans were left Crying their Heart Out. It seems like the whole thing has been a bit of a Digsy’s Dinner (ok, that one was bad, but Don’t Go Away).’

Our favourite line: ‘Ticketmaster has defended its dynamic pricing strategy, “Whatever”, they said, these practices are common in the sector. You’ll just have to Roll with It, they said… (ok, no they Definitely Maybe didn’t say any of that).’

Forlorn fan Obiter spent five hours in the queue, only to get to the front and find that tickets we thought would cost £150 each had more than doubled in price. We’ll be looking back in anger for a while.
