Government Legal Department chief Susanna McGibbon has been elected Keeper of the Walks of Lincoln's Inn. McGibbon was called to the bar by Lincoln's Inn in 1990 and becomes the first employed barrister to hold the post.

Obiter has to admit it was unaware of what the role of Keeper of the Walks entails, picturing the treasury solicitor telling visitors to keep off the grass.

Susanna McGibbon

McGibbon: 'It is a great honour to be an officer of the inn'

Fortunately, McGibbon was happy to explain: the Keeper of the Walks is a historic role, dating back to 1588.

'It is a great honour to be an officer of the inn and to contribute to the inn’s work supporting our students and practising members as well as safeguarding the culture and fabric of the inn for future generations,' McGibbon said.
