Never mind the Briggs review, here’s an idea for bringing the civil courts into the 21st century. The Karaoke Court is an arbitration process where litigants agree to settle their disputes by karaoke singing before an audience-jury. Apparently it is one of the exhibits at Law’s Imagination, an eight-week residency ‘exploring the connections between legal and art practice’ at Arebyte Gallery, Hackney, east London.
A programme of events, talks, discussions and performances ‘asks how artistic approaches can unlock or extend the imaginative capacities and capabilities of law’.
Oh, there’s also the chance to qualify as a ‘certified legal aesthetician’. The next hearing of the Karaoke Court is on 23 June at the Yard Theatre, Hackney.
Potential litigants are invited to submit disputes to the clerk (artist Jack Tan) at Obiter is not sure what the song repertoire will be yet, but we’re rehearsing Abba’s ‘The Winner Takes It All (subject to beating a Part 36 offer)’.
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