In the week the prime minister promised to make the UK a world leader in AI, an employment tribunal ruling reminds us of the technology’s potential pitfalls.
Employment judge Adkinson, in written reasons, shared his concerns that a claimant who alleged she was unfairly dismissed for making a protected disclosure over mouldy cheese, did not actually understand her own case. While her written submissions and witness statements were ‘verbose and less focused but appear on issue’, her oral arguments were ‘not particularly on issue and vague’. It seems that the claimant ‘used ChatGPT… to write her statement and submissions, into which she added her own details’.
The judge said: ‘I am left with a strong feeling [the claimant] is pursuing a claim she does not understand and cannot personally justify when asked. While it is clear she feels genuinely aggrieved, I am left with the impression that she does not understand if or how that grievance is legally justified.’
He ordered the claimant to pay a deposit plus £1,000 towards the respondent’s costs before matters went further.
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