Obiter’s request for anecdotes that pithily illustrate how legal practice has changed in a generation (Gazette, 14 May) attracts some dewy-eyed reminiscences.

Fax machine istock

His Honour Judge Richard Pearce recalls: ‘As a very junior barrister in the mid-1980s, I was involved in an accident when driving to a solicitor’s office to see a client. A senior member of chambers said that the inappropriate conduct in holding a conference at such a place would not only lead to me being reported to the Bar Council but would also invalidate my car insurance!’

For David Holt of Suffolk Legal, the change is summed up by the excitement surrounding the arrival of his office’s fax machine: ‘I remember the original office discussions about whether we should buy one at all,’ followed by the decision to go for a very high-speed one to fax large sets of papers to counsel.

As it happens, Obiter knows at least one law firm (with a very well-known name) which still sends faxes. Though the last one received at Obiter Towers was a special offer from a vendor of paper, a communication that surely redefines the word ‘chutzpah’.

Keep those reminiscences coming to
