Solicitor Naomi Angell is full of praise for play Too Many Books, currently playing at north London theatre Upstairs at the Gatehouse. And Obiter reckons her opinion is more important than that of any theatre critic, for Angell, head of adoption, surrogacy and fertility law at Osbornes Law, is not only a subject matter expert on the issues raised by the play - the play is partly based on one of her cases.

Naomi Angell

Angell: Play highlights crucial nature of the 'home study report'

Source: Osbornes Law

Too Many Books explores the complexities of international adoption and is a fictionalised account based on the experiences of playwright Judi Bevan, a former client, and other adopting families.

Angell says the play is important because it highlights the crucial nature of the 'home study report', a social worker assessment to assess suitability for adoption. Angell says the report is essentially a ‘passport to being able to adopt’ and the play demonstrates why quality and fairness are central in the assessment approach, and requires a social worker who is not judgmental.

The play raises issues that are still current, says Angell, and she recommends it to families considering adoption.

Tickets are still available for Too Many Books, on at Upstairs at the Gatehouse until 16 March.
