A litigant in person who claimed to be the victim of a conspiracy involving the former chancellor of Germany and conducted unsuccessful claims involving 70 defendants over eight years has been barred from bringing further civil proceedings. Adrian Badita brought his claims in an 'abusive and threatening manner' which included calling a judge  a 'crook' and court official a 'fucking slave', the Divisional Court ruled. 

In HM Attorney General v Adrian Badita the court granted the attorney general a civil proceedings order (CPO) under the Senior Courts Act 1981. According to the judgment, Badita, a Romanian national, began his campaign of litigation after being dismissed by courier firm DHL in 2016. After failing to find a job elsewhere he brought further claims against potential employers on the grounds of sex and race discrimination.

One judge's dismissal of a claim noted that Badita accused DHL of running 'a global blacklist preventing his further employment anywhere; and that this backlist has been maintained with the co-operation and connivance of the British, German and Romanian governments. The maintenance of the blacklist also depends on a corrupt judiciary and corrupt legal representatives.'

A limited civil restraint order was imposed on Badita in 2021. Under the latest, indefinite, order, Badita must not institute any civil proceedings without the leave of the High Court; any civil proceedings instituted by him in any court before the making of the order shall not be continued. 

In lead judgment, Lord Justice Coulson revealed that, had the attorney general requested one, he would have granted an all-proceediings order against Badita. 'It is plain that, unless restrained, Mr Badita will continue his vexatious conduct in precisely the same way as before,' the judge said. 


Naomi Parsons, instructed by the Government Legal Department appeared for the attorney general; Adrian Badita appeared in person.