I read your recent news article highlighting the report from three expert judges who issued a stark warning about current proposals to reform the civil litigation system.

It is extraordinary that the government continues to push through its ideas regardless.

Not only is the Ministry of Justice apparently determined to ignore the voice of the victims who will ultimately pay for the government’s reforms, it is now choosing to overlook the considered views of senior members of the judiciary.

These three judges, like the Consumer Justice Alliance, highlight serious mistakes in the thinking behind the government’s proposals, which were prompted by Lord Justice Jackson’s original report.

We thoroughly agree with the judges’ assertion that, ‘now is not the time to make radical changes which give no guarantee that access to justice at reduced costs will be delivered’.

The MoJ’s proposals are dangerous and injudicious, and it is innocent victims who will suffer the most.

If the government will not listen to them or to senior judges, it makes you wonder who is setting the agenda.

Nigel Muers-Raby, Chairman, Consumer Justice Alliance