An unregistered barrister has been suspended from practice for nine months after he was convicted of harassment. Ikeni Mbako-Allison sent an ‘unreasonable number of abusive emails’ to an individual over a 16-day period in 2021. He was convicted of harassment on 10 February 2022.

Barrister wig

Source: iStock

Mbako-Allison, called in November 2009, admitted that he ‘behaved in a way which is likely to diminish the trust and confidence which the public would place in him or in the profession’.

The five-person panel suspended Mbako-Allison for nine months. The suspension will come into effect if no appeal is made after 21 days.

Mbako-Allison was also ordered to pay £1,200 in costs to the Bar Standards Board.

Commenting on the order, a BSB spokesperson said: ‘Actions such as those which led to Mr Mbako-Allison’s conviction for harassment are not compatible with the standards the public expect of barristers and the tribunal’s decision reflects this.’