What a clever juxtaposition of letters (see [2010] Gazette, 27 May, 9) – 'Hurt in the pocket' and 'A Serious Fee'– where the question of low wages for conveyancers is posed, then answered. Until the referral fee cycle completes its first turn, your anonymous, underpaid conveyancing solicitor is going to have to wait for a supervisory position to arrive to deliver his desired increased reward. For so long as estate agents control the market for conveyancing services (as they undoubtedly now do) solicitors will only be able to make a profit from conveyancing by delivering technology-led services through low-paid, non-qualified staff.

Until the blinkered members of the profession who bleat on about referral fees realise that we operate in a commercial market, and ensure that it is cheaper for Joe Public to instruct a solicitor direct than via an estate agent this will remain the case. There is surely scope for a Law Society-led advertising campaign there?

Either that, or let the government set an upper limit on referral fees payable per case by either a solicitor or a licensed conveyancer, with sanctions for exceeding them, both for the solicitor and the recipient of the referral fee. Then solicitors would have the best of both worlds.

Gordon Brown, Senior Partner, Gordon Brown Associates, Newcastle Upon Tyne