A Cardiff firm has launched a national road safety campaign.

Elisabeth Roth and Liz Phipps, solicitors in the personal injury team at Cardiff firm NewLaw, have spearheaded the Improve Roads, Improve Safety (IRIS) initiative in an attempt to reduce deaths on the road.

The campaign aims to convince government that a small increase in spending on highway maintenance would significantly reduce costs to the NHS and legal expenses caused by road traffic accidents.

The campaign is backed by Mark Williams, Welsh Liberal Democrat MP for Ceredigion, which is an accident hotspot for motorcyclists.

It is also supported by the Spinal Injuries Association, the Limbless Association and the Child Brain Injury Trust.

Roth and Phipps cited government figures showing that the combined cost of treatment, loss of income and other effects of motorcycle accidents amounts to an average of £100,050 for each victim.

Roth said: ‘Many road accidents could be avoided by the use of a couple of pots of paint or a bit of kerbing. Our team deals with over 20,000 road accidents each year.

'You can’t be involved day after day in helping that many families try to put their lives back together without becoming involved and trying to do something to prevent such catastrophes occurring.’