The Law Society has called on solicitors to join it in marching at London Pride 2011 this Saturday to celebrate diversity in the legal profession.

The Law Society, Bar Council, Institute of Legal Executives, Junior Lawyers Division, Bar Lesbian and Gay Group, Lesbian and Gay Lawyers Association and Interlaw Diversity Forum will march together under the banner 'Equality Under The Law’.

The event will also highlight the inequalities faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the UK and across the world.

Law Society president Linda Lee said lawyers marching together was more important than ever before as access to justice is under threat due to government cuts.

She said: ‘Lawyers have the skills and position to help protect the vulnerable in society and ensure the rule of law is upheld.

'It is important that our voices are heard.’

The Society fears that cuts to legal aid in immigration cases will result in individuals being sent back to the country they have fled, where they will face violence due to their sexual orientation.

Lee said it was the responsibility of the legal profession to help people enforce their rights, and to shape the law so those rights become a reality.

‘While the Equality Act has strengthened protection available to people in the UK, we cannot be complacent while there are human rights atrocities in other countries, and homophobic attacks and bullying persist in this country,’ she said.

Details of the event can be found on the Law Society site.