At least six in 10 South Asian partners have suffered microaggressions at work, three in 10 have suffered racial slurs, over a third felt ethnicity affected work allocation decisions and nearly half saw ethnicity as slowing down their promotion to partner. These are some of the shocking findings of a new report published today, the first day of South Asian Heritage Month.

Today’s report, produced by strategic networking body Diverse Talent Networks and law firm BCLP, is based on a survey of 48 South Asian partners and senior in-house counsel. Nine in 10 worked for firms with more than 75 partners and two-thirds were aged between 36 and 45.

By collating data on South Asian partners, BCLP partner Sunita Chawla, co-chair of the firm’s global inclusion and diversity action board, ‘we can better understand career experiences and identify what practical measures the profession should take to be more inclusive and supportive of South Asian talent’.

The findings, Chawla said, ‘provide a stark realisation that exclusion and discrimination still exist in the profession and that positive change is both essential to and necessary to ensure leadership at law firms reflect our diverse society’.

Sunita Chawla

Chawla: 'exclusion and discrimination still exist in the profession'

One respondent said colleagues ‘jokingly’ labelled them a terrorist or sleeper agent.

Another said: ‘When I joined, no one bothered to learn my name because it was difficult. No one bothered to apologise if they got my name wrong. I cut my name down to something that people would be able to pronounce so that I would fit in. Some people anglicised their name to make it easier.’

Recommendations include supporting junior and mid-level lawyers with an unbiased work allocation process and meaningful feedback on work product, transparency on promotion criteria, and 'purposeful' networking, mentoring and sponsorship with senior figures.

Firms should also challenge alcohol-based networking and socialising, encourage a 'speak up' culture among junior employees and introduce leadership training to build empathy on intersectionality, race and class.

South Asian Heritage Month runs until 17 August.

Law Society president Nick Emmerson said: 'South Asian Heritage Month is important as it raises awareness of the richness of South Asia’s history and culture. It also recognises the diverse experiences and valuable contributions of South Asian communities in this country. This year the theme is ‘Free to be me.’ I encourage my South Asian colleagues and their allies to connect with each other this month, so we can celebrate the unique perspectives that make up our profession.'