We are all familiar with some of the well-known pejorative words and phrases used about lawyers in general and solicitors in particular. We have spent years and probably many millions of pounds trying to improve our public image using PR firms and proposals. I wish to float an idea which will not change everything overnight, but may do something to persuade the public to view us in a better light. Should we not (like dentists, recently) start to call ourselves ‘doctor’?

The public may criticise the health service, but I suggest that we all have some feeling of respect for our medical doctors. In fact they do not, as a rule, hold any form of doctorate, but nevertheless are usually all called doctors.

Some years ago, the dental profession adopted the title ‘doctor’ even though few dentists hold a doctorate. I for one now feel just a little less fear and a little more respect for them. I recollect that one of the arguments used was that most dentists throughout the EU are called ‘doctor’. Many lawyers in parts of the EU and elsewhere are ‘herr doktor’ or ‘maitre’, so there is something of a parallel argument for us.

Should we not, as a profession, go the same way as the dental profession - always assuming that it is open to us?

Jerry Pearlman, Consultant solicitor, Zermansky & Partners, Leeds