An innovative IT project aimed at legal aid lawyers could help solicitors reduce costs, barristers set Matrix Chambers claimed last week.

The chambers has set up LegalAidLink (LAL), a website enabling legal aid providers to establish private online communities in which they can interact securely and share information.

The Legal Services Commission contributed £60,000 towards the development and running of the project, as part of a scheme to help legal aid firms innovate.

The free service allows members to share documents, communicate with clients and others, and set up customised intranet and extranet facilities.

It is hosted by a remote server, so users do not require any special hardware or software.

Lewis Parle, LAL project manager at Matrix, said: ‘Using LAL will save printing costs when instructing counsel; allow clients to keep up to date with their cases without having to phone their solicitor, which is vital in the fixed-fee environment; and enable solicitors to share documents with clients in custody.’

Around 200 firms currently use the project.

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