Having received the 13 pages of instructions from Countrywide Conveyancing Services in connection with a HSBC mortgage it is providing to my purchasing clients, it is obvious that this new procedure is doubling the work for conveyancing solicitors not on the HSBC panel while leaving all the liability and risk with the firm acting for the purchasers.

The latest story from a prospective HSBC borrower, as told to me by a client, is that she was told (over the telephone) by her HSBC relationship manager that she would be best advised to use its conveyancers, but if she chose to use an independent solicitor, that solicitor should reimburse her the fees she would have to pay for HSBC’s representation.

The same client also told me that she had applied for a certain HSBC mortgage package, and when the offer came through the interest rate had risen by a significant percentage.

This firm will not be giving the undertakings required by Countrywide unless we have clearance from our insurers, and I would urge other solicitors to protect themselves in the same way. Furthermore, we will not be accepting any new instructions from clients who will be financing their purchases through HSBC or any of its group.

Helle Jacobsen, Jacobsen & Co, London SW6