I write in relation to the letter from Max Hill QC concerning a unified approach by solicitors and barristers to tackling the threats posed to the criminal justice system by funding reforms and cuts.

I agree entirely with his argument, but I am not sure just how it can be achieved. As a clerk working equally with solicitors and barristers, it is obvious to me that even if the Law Society and Criminal Bar Association presented a united front and threatened strike action, they would also need to agree how to deal with those who will inevitably break ranks. The action would need to be sold to members on the basis of ‘a month’s pain for long-term gain’. ‘Gain’ not only for the professions, but also for the public through a properly funded and managed criminal justice system.

Once 100% of your members are on board, you then need to sell it to the public. Make no mistake, the popular press will have a field day, citing the 'greedy lawyers’ line. But I wish you well - though only a humble clerk, I do have a vested interest and, more importantly, so do the public.

Chris Barlow, Bryan & Armstrong, Mansfield