As we await the government’s response to submissions received on its legal aid green paper, I would like to express my thanks to all of you who took the time to write to government to express your views on this important issue.

I know that not all who did so were directly affected by the issues, but nevertheless felt it important to express their dismay at the proposals.

Around 5,000 submissions were received by government, which is unprecedented. I’m sure that this number will have surprised lord chancellor Ken Clarke.

Prior to the consultation closing he remarked: ‘Oddly enough, I’m not in as much difficulty as I thought.’ Hopefully he has reconsidered.

Without a doubt, the level of support for saving legal aid shows just how out of touch the government is with public sentiment.

This is only the first step in our campaign against government cuts to legal aid – cuts that we know will impact on the most vulnerable in society.

I look forward to continuing to work with you to make sure that government listens to our concerns and acts appropriately.

Linda Lee, president, the Law Society