Small legal aid firms accused the Legal Services Commission of breaching its duty of fairness this week, as it emerged that the LSC had scheduled two meetings in recent days exclusively for large firms, in the run-up to the government’s best value tendering (BVT) consultation.

The meetings, one of which took place in Sheffield last Friday, were arranged between the commission and firms that bill more than £2m a year from legal aid.

A second meeting in London was due to take place after the Gazette went to press.

Small firms warned that the meetings could put the LSC at risk of breaching its contractual duties, and undermine the forthcoming BVT consultation.

LSC chief executive Carolyn Downs and head of contract management John Sirodcar were expected to address both events, which covered audit, BVT, case management and electronic working.

Helen Cousins, a senior partner at Leeds-based Cousins Tyrer, which was not invited to attend, alleged that the LSC was providing an advantage to larger firms, contrary to its duties of fairness, openness and equality.

In an email to the LSC, she said: ‘These meetings have not been arranged in an open manner, do not deal fairly with all providers, and discriminate against smaller providers, which are disproportionately ethnic minority practices.’

She told the Gazette: ‘There’s also a possibility that this will undermine the consultation on best value tendering.’

Law Society president Linda Lee said: ‘The Society made it clear to the LSC that holding such meetings is not appropriate. The commission needs to be mindful of its obligation to act fairly to all of its suppliers, and of its duties under competition law and equalities legislation.’

Carol Storer, director of the Legal Aid Practitioners Group, said: ‘We’re watching developments with some concern. Smaller practitioners are feeling anxious because they feel excluded from these discussions.’

An LSC spokesman said the commission had not arranged the meetings, but had been invited to speak at them.

However, email correspondence from the LSC seen by the Gazette alludes to it being ‘responsible for organising these events’.

The spokesman said notes from the sessions would be available on its website, and all providers will be invited to ‘provider reference group’ meetings in the summer.