In a ‘historic’ first, a CILEX lawyer has been appointed as a recorder and will be able to preside in the county, family and Crown courts.

Nick Hanning has been deployed to the South Eastern circuit, where he will sit in the family division. His appointment makes him the first CILEX lawyer to become a recorder following last year’s law change which allowed suitably qualified CILEX lawyers to apply to become recorders and Upper Tribunal judges.

Nick Hanning

Hanning has been a deputy district judge since 2020

Before the law update, CILEX lawyers were unable to apply for posts higher than district judge.

Hanning, who has been a deputy district judge since 2020, said: ‘A key part of being a judge is about listening to and evaluating evidence and applying the law to the facts as you find them to be; it is not about how you qualified.

‘CILEX lawyers develop these skills as much as solicitors and barristers do and I would strongly encourage others to look at how a judicial role can help advance them and their careers.

‘Historically, CILEX lawyers have been slow to push themselves forward but the growing number of judges from our ranks should give them confidence that they belong on the bench in the same way that they now do around partnership tables.’

CILEX chair professor Chris Bones congratulated Hanning ‘on this major landmark, one achieved purely on merit’.

He added: ‘[Nick] has been a pioneer for the profession in many ways and has all the attributes needed for an appointment like this.

‘Increasing the diversity of professional background and perspective on the bench is one of the reasons the government changed the law last year. Nick’s appointment also demonstrates another important step forward for CILEX in achieving equality of opportunity for our members.’

Hanning was a CILEX council, now board, member for 10 years and served as president in 2012/13.