South-coast firm Lester Aldridge has merged with London practice Park Nelson in a bid to enhance its property capability - despite four Park Nelson property partners refusing to join the merger.
The deal will add £1 million to Lester Aldridge's retail property practice turnover, with three property partners moving across to the firm's Southampton office.
However, property specialists Eugene O'Keeffe - Park Nelson's senior partner - Colm Flood, Robert Galloway and Ruth Deehan have declined to move in the interests of their London client base. They are currently in discussions with other London firms.
Three further Park Nelson partners will join Lester Aldridge, specialising in corporate, employment and private client, in a new London office for the firm.
Lester Aldridge senior partner Roger Woolley said: 'The merger was part of our strategy to strengthen the national retail property practice, and we are gaining six very good property clients. The deal will add £3 million to the firm's turnover.'
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