A former solicitor has been told by a High Court judge that she should ‘relinquish her obsession with the Law Society’s powers of intervention’ and accept decisions made against her over the past 19 years. 

Dismissing Anal Sheikh’s application for leave as totally without merit, Mr Justice Mellor found ’no reasonable grounds for either the cases she seeks to re-open and re-argue or the new proceedings she seeks to bring’.

In 2019, Sheikh was made subject to an indefinite order under section 42 of the Senior Courts Act, an order which the judge described as ’the highest form of restraint available for a vexatious litigant’.

The judgment in Anal Sheikh v The Law Society of England and Wales & Ors states: ‘It is evident that the origin of Ms Sheikh’s grievances is the intervention by the Law Society in 2005 into her practice of Ashley & Co. This is also one of the cases which Ms Sheikh now seeks to revive (amongst others), even though they have long since been finally concluded.’

Among the applications made by Sheikh was an order for the Law Society to pay £4.6 million to King Charles III. Dismissing Sheikh’s application and certifying it as totally without merit, the judge said: ’Ms Sheikh seems to have lost all touch with reality and reason. She would be well advised to relinquish her obsession with the Law Society’s powers of intervention and to accept the final decisions which have been made against her.’