The High Court has heard a legal challenge against the Legal Services Commission’s decision not to award a contract to a community care solicitor.

Yvonne Hossack (pictured), a sole practitioner at Kettering firm Hossacks, sought a judicial review after she failed to win any contracts in the LSC’s tender for social welfare contracts last year.

Hossack, who specialises in community care cases for clients with severe disabilities, applied for contracts in 125 geographical procurement areas.

When she submitted her online applications, Hossack used a pro forma for one of the documents required, rather than completing the same form numerous times. As a result each form was headed with ‘Wiltshire’ as the procurement area.

The LSC therefore rejected all her applications, except the one relating to Wiltshire, which it awarded to her before reversing the decision because Hossack’s firm had no presence in the area.

Hossack’s initial application to challenge that decision by way of judicial review was refused on the papers, but allowed following an oral application.

Mr Justice Blake heard the case last Wednesday and reserved his judgment, which is expected later this month.

Since failing to obtain any community care contracts, Hossack has represented 190 clients free of charge, at an estimated cost of £100,000.

Hossack said: ‘I work in a niche specialty - most of my clients are seriously disabled.I’m very worried about what will happen to them if I am unable to continue, particularly those who have imminent hearings.

‘I’ve acted for some of my clients for a number of years and they’ve indicated that they couldn’t take the stress of finding another solicitor, and that they would rather abandon their claims.’

A Northamptonshire couple, Chris and Roger Kinsey, have taken the unusual step of posing naked to highlight Hossack’s plight, recreating a classic 1960s magazine cover image of John Lennon and Yoko Ono.

Chris Kinsey said: ‘We feel like we’ve been "stripped bare" by the government, with the cuts to care services and the Legal Services Commission’s rejection of Yvonne’s contract. Without Yvonne’s dedication, local authorities have a green light to cut what they want without challenge.’