The ‘gender gap’ within the profession is closing, but disparities still exist in pay and partnership prospects, the latest Law Society figures have suggested.

Speaking at an event to celebrate International Women’s Day this week, Law Society president Linda Lee revealed that the proportion of practising women solicitors in the profession has risen to 45.8%, while women account for 59.1% of new admissions.

Since 2000, the number of women holding practising certificates has risen by nearly 80%.

However, the latest figures show that in the year to 31 July 2010, male trainees were on average offered starting salaries 5.7% above the corresponding level for women. Lee said the figures also show that a higher proportion of men are made up to partner.

She said: ‘The overall gender gap is closing year on year, but we all know that numbers can’t tell the whole story... The under-representation of women at senior level does a disservice to the [number] of talented women out there.’