District Judge Peter Glover’s article should be required reading for Kenneth Clarke, Jonathan Djanogly, David Cameron and indeed all MPs. It should also be copied to every member of the Family Justice Review.

The concluding paragraphs are in my view accurate, and contain a dire warning for those who, for whatever reason, ignore the reality of what is about to happen in the family court – and if the chaos will be bad in the county court, how will the family proceedings courts cope?

No doubt Messrs Clarke and Djanogly will point to the Ministry of Justice’s Research Summary 2/11 (a review of the literature about litigants in person in other jurisdictions) which unjustifiably speculates that litigants in person (LIPs) may achieve quicker, better, results than represented parties. Any cursory examination of the summary, combined with any real knowledge and understanding of the operation of the family court in England demonstrates the paucity of thought behind this piece of dangerous thinking.

With no more judicial time, fewer HMCTS staff, budget cuts and increased LIPs, family cases will indeed take up much more time and money, resulting in increased delays to the detriment of the welfare of the very children the court is concerned with. Access to justice will be inhibited or denied, not increased.

It is not too late to stop the madness, but the clock ticks ever faster.

Stephen Mannering, Nottingham