Further to the article ‘Colombian lawyers under threat’ by Jonathan Rayner, I would like to clarify that the government of Colombia is fully committed to the protection of human rights for all and a better judicial system.

Contrary to the concept of ‘judicial war’ described in the article, in his inauguration speech on 7 August 2010, president Juan Manuel Santos set out a programme that included reforming the justice system.

This project, led by the president and the interior minister and to be presented to Congress in July 2011, is aimed at improving access to justice and facilitating processes, and will also include institutional matters such as the separation of the Justice Ministry from the Ministry of the Interior.

In a further example of its commitment to strengthening the justice system, the government facilitated and welcomed the process that led to the election of Colombia’s new prosecutor general (Fiscal General de la Nación) Viviane Morales, who won with the clear majority of 14 of the 16 votes.

Upon taking office, the new prosecutor general promised ‘to fight corruption and guarantee independence and transparency’.

It is important to highlight that the state considers the work of human rights defenders and lawyers to be necessary and fundamental for the proper development and functioning of democracy and society.

The Colombian government acknowledges that important challenges still remain in this respect and need to be addressed.

This is why it is implementing a rigorous human rights policy led by vice-president Angelino Garzon, who has had a long career as a trade union leader, and active human and labour rights defender.

Finally, the state has supported the activities of the Colombian Caravana UK Lawyers Group during their visits to Colombia as well as those visits that many other international delegations and organisations interested in the human rights situation have made to our country.

We will continue moving forward together, as fast as possible, towards peace, justice and prosperity for all.

Mauricio Rodriguez Munera, Ambassador, Embassy of Colombia, London SW1