A news item of 17 January reported on a list, published by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, of 136 practices that did not obtain professional indemnity insurance following entering the Extended Policy Period and which later closed. We are happy to make clear that inclusion on the list does not necessarily mean that the practice sought insurance, or failed to receive any offers of insurance and was forced to close as a result.
In particular: Ian Nelson of Nelson Nichols has informed us that he did not renew his insurance as he notified the SRA prior to the commencement of the EPP that he was retiring and would not be renewing his licence to practise as a sole practitioner; Cole & Co has informed us that the practice did obtain an acceptable offer of insurance which it chose not to take up in light of a planned merger with Leathes Prior; Blackstone Solicitors Ltd, based in Hale, Cheshire is not on this list - it has asked us to point out that Blackstone Law of St Chads Street, Manchester, which is on the list, was an entirely separate firm.