Four high street banks have agreed to help law firms that are experiencing cashflow difficulties resulting from the ongoing delays in payment from the Legal Services Commission, following a request from the Law Society.

Chancery Lane wrote to banks to alert them to the problems being experienced by firms due to the LSC’s backlog in processing payments.

The Society has confirmed that Lloyds TSB, Santander, Royal Bank of Scotland and Nationwide have ‘responded positively’ to the letter requesting leniency, and said that others have indicated that they will make staff aware of the problems firms are facing.

A Law Society spokeswoman said: ‘Any firm experiencing financial difficulties as a result of late payments from the LSC is advised to contact their bank with details of the level of payments outstanding, when they will expect to receive payment, and the likely impact on their cashflow.’

Some firms are waiting for around three to four months, on average, to be paid.