Attorney general Suella Braverman has joined the list of Conservative MPs saying the prime minister should resign – also putting herself forward as a candidate to replace him.

Braverman, up to now a staunch supporter of Boris Johnson, appeared on ITV’s Peston last night and said the ‘balance has now tipped’ against him staying in post. Braverman added: ‘It pains me to say it – but it’s time to go.’

But she insisted that she would not resign and had spent the day continuing in her work as attorney general. ‘My first duty is to the country, and as attorney I’m the senior law officer,’ she added. ‘We’re in a crisis and I have statutory legal and constitutional duties…I don’t want to resign because I have that duty. We need an attorney in government.’

Braverman, MP for Fareham, revealed that if there was a leadership contest, she would throw her hat into the ring.

She added: 'I love this country, my parents came here with absolutely nothing and it was Britain that gave them hope, security and opportunity. This country has afforded me incredible opportunities in education and in my career. I owe a debt of gratitude to this country and to serve as PM would be the greatest honour, so yes, I will try.’

More than 40 government ministers resigned in the space of 24 hours, including the solicitor general Alex Chalk and justice minister Victoria Atkins. The prime minister has said he intends to stay in the job.


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