Your feature on work experience made interesting reading.

Until a few years ago, I always used to take school students (usually fourth or fifth year) for a week or two. They used to come to court with me and sit in with clients (with clients’ consent of course). I found that the students were keen to learn and they usually asked challenging questions.

Sadly, that all changed because of health and safety risks. I am no longer allowed to take school students under 18 because we would not be insured if they had an accident on our premises. I am told that it would be very expensive to extend cover. The only alternative is for the schools to ensure that their students are covered - and they will not do this, so these bright 16- and 17-year-olds are losing out.

I would have thought that at my advanced age, I am more likely to fall down the stairs than a 16-year-old, but, heigh-ho, the authorities always know best.

John Josephs,Turner Coulston, Northampton