May I add to the ruminations of Peter Jones concerning alternative business structures?

Some 47 years in private practice has engendered within me but one confidently held opinion, which is that the law is vastly more complex than it ever was, and becomes more so by the day.

While this perception doubtless arises in part from my own inevitable decline in mental capacity, I pray in aid that generalists are as legal dinosaurs, almost every lawyer now having to specialise to stay on top of his or her game.

Even so, experienced solicitors are often challenged by their work and it is hard to imagine it any easier for those less qualified.ABSs might ultimately prove a retrograde experiment, giving rise to increasing recourse to an already under-funded and dysfunctional justice system. Nevertheless, some very positive opportunities are on the way, which many of us will doubtless embrace with confidence and enthusiasm.

Chris Kite, Kite Griffin Solicitors, Bracknell