All News blog articles – Page 10
Appeal court has listened to claimants on fixed costs
As claimant lawyers face long-feared PI reforms, two judgments come as positive news.
Truss sounds death knell for claimant PI sector
Lord chancellor appears even keener than her predecessors to go after claimant lawyers.
At last: a digital success in justice
Crown court judges have forsaken paper for laptops. That’s worth celebrating, but doesn’t mean IT is all downhill from here.
Jackson again? Fixed costs review will attract scepticism
Is a fixed costs evangelist the right person to lead a review?
Claimants forced to reveal funding secrets
Judgment considered a ‘test case’ for whether third-party funders can remain anonymous.
Equality: men must lean in too
Equality is everyone's business. To achieve it, women lawyers need male counterparts to act with greater confidence.
Is criticising judges only for the posh prints?
Britons have been denigrating the judiciary at least since Hogarth. Long may it continue.
Not just Brexit judges who are under attack
The lord chief justice was concerned with more than just article 50 this week.
A good divorce?
With some help from policymakers we can change negative perceptions of divorce.
Heathrow runway litigation: brace for impact
Further rounds of legal challenges to airport expansion will bring the law into disrepute.
Legal trouble with ‘aid for trade’
Legal and governance problems arise from the international development secretary's latest aim.
Justice for victims of Gaza flotilla raid?
The Israel-Turkey agreement over the 2010 raid sidelines its victims and does nothing to contribute to a wider peace process.
Solicitors can help UK avoid costly Brexit mistakes
The Law Society and solicitors can apply their specialist expertise as the country prepares to withdraw from the EU.
Here’s how I’d tackle the whiplash culture
If the government must do something, it’s looking in the wrong place.
This obsession with timesheets is all wrong
One London practice has reportedly locked fee-earners out of their computers for poor timekeeping. But partners will be driven away if firms use more stick than carrot.
Brexit: we must remain the global legal leader
The Law Society is working to ensure that England and Wales remains the go-to jurisdiction post-Brexit.
Bake Off: what’s to stop the BBC reinventing the show?
TV production companies try to accrue a mass of IP protections to fend off competition.
Labour finally doing itself justice
It probably won’t win the public over, but Labour is openly wooing the legal profession.