All Letters articles – Page 7
Letters roundup - 11 February 2019
Whistleblowing punishment, Lord Falconer, gender divide, and modes of address: your letters to the editor.
Letters roundup - 21 January 2019
Qualification discrimination, the right to freedom of expression, and probate fees: this week’s collection of readers’ letters.
Letters roundup - 14 January 2019
LPAs, the Law Society charity, The Times Best Law Firms 2019, and Edvard Munch’s The Scream: this week’s collection of readers’ letters.
Letters roundup - 3 December 2018
London’s Commercial Court post-Brexit, The Times’ 200 top firms, and civil partnership: this week’s collection of readers’ letters.
Letters roundup - 26 November 2018
Civil partnerships, litigation funding, profession morality, and political dissidence: this week’s collection of readers’ letters.
Solicitor-advocates mind the gap
If we want real change in our diversity gap, then the focus should not just be on the end product, but also the grass roots.
Freelance opportunities
Solicitors should support the SRA’s plans to allow self-employed solicitors to work on a freelance basis.
Full disclosure on NDAs
Confidentiality clauses are vital to the public policy aim of encouraging parties to settle disputes without recourse to the courts.
Erosion of access in full swing
Civil claims for a fatality have the potential to slip through the net of access to justice.
Getting a balance on NDAs
Lawyers have a role to play in informing public debate over banning non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).
C5 notices – a dangerous new tool
The BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme recently reported on a new warning scheme being used by police forces in England and Wales.
In the recovery position on costs
Authorities are working to reduce recoverable costs, not actual costs, and this is only making litigation less cost-effective.
What’s yours called?
Tackling the ’So what do you do?’ question at a party doesn’t have to be tricky.
Our fate in lay hands
Solicitor members of SDT jealously guard reputation of the profession.
The truth about referral fees
NHS Resolution has the opportunity to make representations over all costs budgets.