All Letters articles – Page 15

  • Opinion

    ​Barrier grief

    9 October 2017

    ‘Wild West Law’ seems like a good name for a thrusting firm of media lawyers (‘Chancery Lane slams “Wild West” regulation’, 2 October)

  • Letters

    Taxing times

    2 October 2017

    I have before me a letter dated 18 September 1967 from a long-deceased client to my long-deceased partner John Mossop. Dear John Income tax returns I am pleased that the inspector has had no difference of opinion with you over the capital section. All my life time ...

  • Letters

    Sad indictment of judiciary

    2 October 2017

    Clare Moulder’s elevation to the High Court bench is not a ‘significant’  cause for celebration in the context of boosting diversity.

  • Opinion

    Flawed petition

    2 October 2017

    The new-style divorce petition uses clearer language to explain how it should be completed, hopefully making life easier for the litigant in person, and court staff. However, in respect of a petition based on adultery, the new petition may cause greater confusion, complication and cost. Whereas the old-style petition asked ...

  • Letters

    A gilded age for lawyers?

    2 October 2017

    There is a growing tendency for the current generation of lawyers to cast a somewhat jaundiced eye on those of us of an earlier time. They may well have a point. The past is indeed a different country; we did things very differently there. How did we ever justify the ...

  • Letters

    Signing off on LPA abuse

    2 October 2017

    I was concerned to read about suggestions from the Financial Conduct Authority on removing the requirement for a physical signature on a lasting power of attorney. An LPA is a powerful legal document that allows a person to appoint trusted individuals to make important decisions about their health and financial ...

  • Wayne Rooney

    Time to go?

    25 September 2017

    Knowing when to call it a day is difficult. But work – however rewarding – is a prelude to all the possibilities available in retirement.

  • Letters

    Getting down to business

    18 September 2017

    How can conveyancers continue with rambling opening letters?

  • Letters

    End this blame game

    18 September 2017

    No-fault divorce should not devalue divorces with blame.

  • Letters

    We know how to behave

    18 September 2017

    Regulator’s guidance to solicitors on how to communicate properly is otiose since most professionals know how to conduct themselves.

  • Letters

    Banks floored

    18 September 2017

    Court ruling may change landscape for Spanish mortgages.

  • Letters

    Fees abuse

    18 September 2017

    Ensure survival of the fee remission system

  • Letters

    Changing platforms

    11 September 2017

    Most consumers are not yet prepared to instruct a solicitor online, but over time the appeal of digital platforms is certain to grow.

  • Letters

    ​No to ‘Big Brother’: LPAs work

    11 September 2017

    Why reform a functional system?

  • Letters


    4 September 2017

    The new lord chancellor should increase the retirement age for the senior judiciary to 75. I shall never forget the frustration of having to retire as a recorder at 65 when I felt that after 15 years or so I had at last gained the experience, particularly in family cases, ...

  • Letters

    Time to outlaw kickbacks

    4 September 2017

    Financial incentives and internal arrangements are artificial restrictions on the conveyancing market and should be banned

  • Letters

    Ducking the real issues

    4 September 2017

    Flexible courts is not where funding should be going.

  • Letters

    Justice climate

    4 September 2017

    Access to justice is a key part of holding governments to account.

  • Letters

    Virtue in reality

    7 August 2017

    There are advantages to increasing the use of technology in our profession but also dangers in abandoning the human touch so readily.

  • Letters

    Thoughts on Charlie Gard

    7 August 2017

    Courts should not be the arena in which these cases are decided.