All Leader articles – Page 18
CSR – on to a good thing
From pro bono to volunteering, the CSR ‘label’ adds impetus to the best initiatives.
Whiplash debate and respecting people’s rights
Pledges that motor premiums would fall by £50 were blatant spin.
Liz Truss – window of opportunity
After nearly three months in post, the lord chancellor remains difficult to read.
In-house conflict situation
The FCA has admitted that the remit of in-house lawyers needs to be reassessed.
One size does not fit all
The big four’s successful business model relies on the cross-selling of products.
ABSs: open to failure?
In the legal sector, there has not been a great flowering of alternative business structures.
Courts modernisation: hitting a brick wall
It is essential that the cash promised for court IT materialises.
SRA: to catch a fake
Failure to deal swiftly with suspect credentials harms the profession’s reputation.
Law treading water on race?
Despite having had segregation in living memory, the US scores better on judicial appointments.
Robot revolution: justice and the role of technology
Technology will continue to develop and become an increasingly useful way of fine-tuning a case before court.
Michael Gove: heading for the Brexit?
Michael Gove’s brief but fruitful tenure at Petty France could soon expire.
Junior lawyers: the £85,000 question
Hiring expensive people is a ticket to compete for work, not a guarantee of securing it.
The law and diversity – class is permanent
Privately educated people are over-represented by a factor of five in the senior ranks of the law.
Hillsborough: justice the only victor
Everyone who believes we are equal before the law has cause to thank the Hillsborough lawyers.