Police have arrested 11 people across the UK in an operation against suspected false personal injury claims.
The City of London Police’s Insurance Fraud Enforcement Department (IFED) yesterday carried out a ‘slip and trip’ day of action with 60 officers involved.
Seven men and four women, were arrested at homes in the following police force areas: Cleveland, Essex, Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Leicestershire, West Midlands and West Yorkshire. A further four people from London and West Yorkshire attended a police station for interview. All suspects were aged between 20 and 60.
The biggest claim under investigation is £200,000 for ongoing medical treatment to treat back and leg injuries from a bus crash in Pakistan four years ago.
Other cases under review include a £15,000 claim for ligament damage and a finger injury from a fall in a Bradford supermarket, and an £8,500 claim for injuries sustained from slipping on water in a London college canteen.
The action was taken following referrals from insurers and the insurer-funded Insurance Fraud Bureau.
DCI Dave Wood, Head of IFED, said: ‘Today’s “trip and slip” day of action marks a major step forward in our nationwide investigation targeting people suspected of trying to con insurers with bogus insurance claims.
‘Those who lie about injuries suffered in real or fictitious accidents can also expect an early-morning knock at their door from IFED detectives.’
The IFED team was created three years ago and now has 29 detectives working with 10 support staff. It investigates around 300 cases a year, most referred by the insurance industry.