All Law firm & practice management articles – Page 31
Back to work? New advice for office social distancing
Government issues advice for businesses that require people to come into the office.
News focus: no rush to return to the office
The success of home-working and lack of a Covid-19 vaccine mean many in the profession are in no hurry to get back to ‘normal’.
Firm to tap into exodus from offices after pandemic
Hudgell Solicitors managing director says remote working could enable firm to bring in fee-earners across country.
14% of firms say business growing in crisis
Global survey shows no indication that need for legal services has declined during the pandemic.
Retirement solutions: a brave new world beckons
It’s time the profession came up with more options for those looking at retirement.
GCs urged to 'reach out' to women-run legal services providers
Open letter highlights danger of diversity progress stalling once the pandemic is over.
Catching Covid-19 and running my practice
For the first time in my professional life, I had to cancel meetings. I had never done that. Ever.
Manchester firm expands across Pennines and targets hires from rivals
Hall Brown prepares to open Sheffield office after recruiting Irwin Mitchell partner.
Sole practitioners ‘alive and well’ despite lockdown, says SPG
Representative group wants adjustments to grant threshold and reduction in PII premiums.
News focus: Are small firms better placed to weather Covid-19?
Smaller firms need more government support but practices that keep a tight rein on outgoings and adapt to a sea change in working methods are better placed to limit the damage of the lockdown.
Communication with colleagues in lockdown is key
Insight into measures taken by one firm to support employees' mental health during the coronavirus outbreak.
Ex-Coops boss fined £20,000 over Asons transfer
SRA decision is latest in a string of financial and regulatory issues connected to Bolton firm.
'Too scared to speak out': young legal aid lawyers highlight Covid-19 pressures
Junior lawyers feel partners and directors are taking advantage of them in shocking report.
Plea for government grants to help law firms manage debt explosion
Managing partner suggests grants could comprise a percentage of law firm turnover.
Weightmans and Walker Morris confirm plans to furlough staff
Firms state intention to preserve jobs in the long term.
'Zero money': young legal aid lawyers highlight coronavirus plight
Practitioner group gathering evidence to inform government discussions and best practice recommendations.
Successfully managing remote legal teams
What can firms do to ensure their teams remain motivated during this unprecedented time?
Solicitor retires after half a century with same firm
Lewis Isaacs is to formally retire after 50 years with Cambridge-headquartered Hewitsons.
Coronavirus brings out the best in our legal profession
We must prepare for a long slog. But we can also extract positives from the early response to this crisis.