Last 3 months headlines – Page 1389

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    Embrace electronic working, criminal law solicitors told


    The Law Society has called on criminal law firms to embrace electronic working, as the Crown Prosecution Services seeks to become completely digital by April 2012. Both bodies want to see more firms sign up to use secure email, to enable information to be shared between ...

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    ACS:Law cannot drop filesharing cases – judge


    The Patents County Court yesterday stayed the hearing of actions for alleged illegal file-sharing, brought by London firm ACS:Law on behalf of its clients MediaCAT. His Honour Judge Birss refused to discontinue the cases in the manner requested by the claimants, saying the notices of ...

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    Consumer research: will it tell you all?


    Recent consumer and market research, with the debates they foster, reminded me to be careful when looking at and using research findings. There are two quotes that are worth keeping in mind when looking at research data and reports; both are currently relevant to the legal services market. ...

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    Recession-hit firms dispute government contracts


    More recession-hit businesses are complaining about how government public sector contracts are awarded, according to research by law firm EMW. There was an 84% rise in complaints made to the Office of Government Commerce in the year to the end of September 2010, to 57 complaints, ...

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    When lawyers lobby


    It looks as if the UK is set for the same painful debate that we have had in the EU recently over what to do about government lobbyists, and in particular the lawyer lobbyists among them. Maybe something can be learned from the EU experience. The ...

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    Does threat to CFAs mean that libel redress will be only for the rich?


    The misuse of conditional fee agreements (CFAs) is one of the most significant causes of what is referred to as ‘the chilling effect’. Bad cases make bad law; bad CFA users make CFAs seem bad.

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    Law Society launches legal aid campaign for the public


    The Law Society is to launch a high-profile campaign, ‘Sound off for justice’, this week – aimed at harnessing public opposition to legal aid cuts. The initiative will seek to raise awareness of what the cuts could mean for members of the public, in advance of ...

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    New planning proposals risk ‘uncertainty and chaos’ in property market


    Proposed changes in the government’s Localism Bill could bring uncertainty and chaos to the property market, the Law Society has warned. The bill proposes changes to planning rules, including strengthening the power of local authorities to tackle abuses of the system. It ...

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    Surge in disputes over trusts, figures show


    Legal disputes over trusts have soared by 238% during the recession, according to City firm Wedlake Bell. Figures from the Ministry of Justice show the number of claims in the High Court in London involving trusts rose to 44 in 2009, up from 13 in ...

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    How Lotto rapist publicity has helped claimants seeking compensation


    The publicity generated by the Lotto rapist case, a newspaper favourite for many years, seems to be helping those who suffered serious crimes against their person. This week, national firm Thompsons said that this publicity, as well as the precedent it set, has helped a group of men win compensation ...

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    Marketing collective for brain injury specialists to launch in April


    A nationwide network of specialist brain injury lawyers, The Brain Injury Group, is set to launch this April, the Gazette can reveal. The Brain Injury Group will work in tandem with other professional services that provide medical, rehabilitation, welfare and financial support to people who have ...

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    Moniker sellers


    Obiter was intrigued to learn this week about the latest initiative to stem from James Mather, the solicitor behind website Mather’s new venture is, a service that enables clients to change what they are called for a ...

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    Confessions of a divorce lawyer


    Geoffrey Rutter’s comments on defended divorces remind me of the days when fashionable barristers could appear in lists of those about whom the readers of popular newspapers would like to read, writes James Morton. In 1935, barrister Norman Birkett appeared in 20th place, equal with the ...

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    Girl power


    The Law Society Art Group’s 51st exhibition concluded earlier this month with something of a victory for the ladies. The prize for most outstanding work went to Sandra Roche for her painting Flora and Red Pot (pictured), while Karen Corballis won best oil/acrylic, Jennifer Robinson best work on paper and ...

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    Acting solicitors


    Budding thespian solicitors, who have been waiting for a chance to prove it is not just barristers who can be star performers on their feet, may have their chance to shine this summer. The Tricycle Theatre in north London is again opening its doors to ...

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    Family law


    From the theatre to the small screen, and a chance to appear in a forthcoming television programme. TV producers Shed Media are looking for ‘families of lawyers’ to appear in a new ‘factual series’. Whether the new show will be a David Attenborough-style documentary about ...

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    What price success? The ramifications of Campbell v MGN


    Just as the post-Jackson consultation on abolishing the recoverability of success fees is hotting up, claimants, whose arguments for retention are based on access to justice, have been dealt a blow by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

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    The debate about employment tribunals and the rise in claims


    Reforms to employment law and the employment tribunal system did not feature in the 2010 Conservative election manifesto. But there was a clear commitment to reducing regulation of small businesses. In recent weeks, it has become clear this commitment has translated into controversial plans for substantial reform to tribunal procedures.

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    Autrefois acquit - Cause of action estoppel - Disciplinary procedures - Abuse of process R (on the application of Coke-Wallis) v Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales: SC (Lords Phillips, Rodger, Collins, Clarke, Dyson): 19 January 2011 ...

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    Competition law


    Transport - Abuse of dominant position - Causation - Coal industry Enron Coal Services Ltd (in liquidation) v English Welsh and Scottish Railway Ltd: CA (Civ Div) (Lords Justice Jacob, Lloyd, Patten): 19 January 2011 ...