Last 3 months headlines – Page 1351

  • News

    Personal injury claims costs to rise despite reforms


    Costs faced by the personal injury insurance industry are likely to rise despite government reforms of the system, according to a report by market analysts Datamonitor. The report found that insurers have little faith that litigation changes will see solicitors lower their fees. ...

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    Firms without CQS quality mark ‘risk being left behind’ - Society


    As firms begin thinking about renewing their professional indemnity insurance, the Law Society has warned conveyancing solicitors to ignore its new Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS) ‘at their risk’. Since the application process launched in January, almost 1000 firms have applied and 202 have ...

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    Claimants will miss out through CFA reforms, research suggests


    Campaign groups have pleaded with the government to climb down over ‘no fee, no fee’ changes after publishing new research. A survey of recent claimants using the conditional fee arrangement (CFA) found that more half of respondents had an income below the national average of £25,000. ...

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    Law Society to intervene in Prudential privilege appeal


    The Law Society has been granted permission to intervene in Prudential’s appeal to the Supreme Court to extend legal professional privilege (LPP) to accountants and others. LPP currently only applies to certain communications between lawyers and their clients, conferring absolute confidentiality so ...

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    The revolution behind the recent ECJ decision on notaries


    The Law Society Gazette reported a few days ago that the European Court of Justice decided to open up the continental notaries’ profession to all nationalities. That is a big change. But it does not represent the real revolution behind ...

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    LSB publishes final referral fees decision


    The Legal Services Board has dropped plans to force law firms to publish their referral fee arrangements on their websites, in its final decision on the regulation of referral fees published today. The LSB said it would no longer seek to prescribe the precise measures that ...

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    Legal aid faces threat of further cuts following rape backlash


    The government is considering fresh legal aid cuts because Kenneth Clarke's politically maladroit remarks about rape sentencing have jeopardised its bid to save money by cutting the prison population, it has been suggested to the Gazette.

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    The row over civil costs will not be over any time soon


    The apparent banning of Marmite from Denmark’s supermarket shelves was a golden opportunity for marketing chiefs. I’m pretty certain the reverberations of losing a few Krone will be more than offset by the presence of the Marmite brand in every news outlet for the last couple ...

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    PC fee expected to fall in 2011/12


    Law firms and solicitors could see their regulatory fees slashed by almost a fifth this year. However, there is likely to be an increase in contributions to the compensation fund. Under SRA plans to be put before its board tomorrow, the individual ...

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    Disability discrimination


    The decision of the House of Lords in London Borough of Lewisham v Malcolm [2008] UKHL 43, [2008] 4 All ER 525, made it significantly more difficult for a disabled tenant to argue that his landlord had discriminated against him on the grounds of ­disability. Mr ...

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    Information technology - Capital allowances - Closure - Notices Revenue and Customs Commissioners v Tower Mcashback LLP and Anor: SC (Justices of the Supreme Court: Lords Hope (deputy president), Rodger, Walker, Collins, Kerr, Clarke, Dyson): 11 May 2011 ...

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    Family law


    Administration of justice - Anonymity - Lump sum orders - Matrimonial property K v L: CA (Civ Div) (Lord Justices Laws, Jacob, Wilson): 13 May 2011 The appellant husband (H) ...

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    Criminal procedure


    Compensation - Facts - Fresh evidence - Miscarriage of justice R (on the application of Andrew Keith Adams) v Secretary of State for Justice: In the matter of Eamonn MacDermott: In the matter of Raymond Pius McCartney: SC (Justices ...

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    Administrative law


    Legal advice and funding - Amendments - CLS funding - Funding code R (on the application of Evans) v Secretary of State for Justice: DC (Admin) (Lord Justice Laws, Mr Justice Stadlen): 12 May 2011 ...

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    Video evidence; and assessing an unsafe system of work


    Disclosure of video evidence – Douglas v O’Neill. This High Court decision helpfully summarises the existing law relating to CPR 31 and (late) disclosure of video footage. The claimant (C) was badly injured when knocked over by a car driven by the ...

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    Is English lawyers' innate pragmatism a burden or blessing?


    I remember once addressing a group of German lawyers. One asked me whether having two doctorates rather than one would be more helpful in obtaining a job in the City of London. In that question lurked a world of difference ...

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    When should the ombudsman involve the SRA?


    As a new creation and as a lay organisation, rather than one already embedded in the minds of lawyers, LeO has always considered it important to try to break down the barriers between us and the profession. So one of the things we have tried ...

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    Lord chief justice allowed himself to be labelled 'enemy of free speech'


    Taking on the media is never a good idea if you happen to be a member of the judiciary. While judges are required to be fair, logical and impartial, reporters and commentators are often inaccurate, opinionated and driven more by commercial needs than by lofty ...

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    Sounding off


    The capital’s cabbies aren’t cheap, so a free ride is not to be sniffed at. The Law Society's Sound off for Justice campaign was offering Londoners precisely that last week. The campaign hired three specially branded black cabs, complete with ...

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    Station of the cross


    It wasn’t quite a papal decree that kept David Morgan, consultant at London firm RadcliffesLeBrasseur, away from a meeting of European lawyers in Luxembourg last week. But it came within a cardinal’s whisker of being one. Morgan, a member of ...