Last 3 months headlines – Page 1349

  • News

    Pension contributions and pension input periods


    Late last year new rules were announced relating to tax relief on pension contributions from 6 April 2011. The 2011 Finance Bill, which includes these rules, is due to be enacted by late June/early July 2011, so partners have just a few short weeks ...

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    Lawyers are members of ‘rich minority’, say unions


    Unions have held up the wages paid to members of the legal sector as proof of Britain’s growing earnings chasm. The TUC has today published a report that states that judges, barristers and solicitors have seen their salaries more than double since 1978 in real terms. ...

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    It’s time to change barristers’ CPD


    The Bar Standards’ Board’s annual Clementi debate took place last week. With the recent publication of the bar’s consultation on continuing professional development (CPD) and the joint review of legal education by the three regulators currently underway, the topic for this year’s debate was the future of CPD for barristers ...

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    Government seeks children’s views on justice system


    The Family Justice Review Panel has invited children to give their views on reforming the court service so that it better meets their needs. Roger Morgan, the Children’s Rights Director for England, has drawn up a young people’s guide to the family justice review, published today. ...

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    Calls for change on drug policy are whistling in the wind


    Trying to extrapolate a liberal drug policy from David Cameron is like punching fog: a gargantuan effort for no reward whatsoever. There is more chance of the Prime Minister running naked through Downing Street with ‘big society’ tattooed on his chest than there is of him ...

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    Solicitors acquitted of mortgage fraud


    Three solicitors have been acquitted of involvement in an alleged £50m commercial mortgage fraud, while the jury was unable to reach a verdict in relation to three others. Hardeep Sodhi, who at the time of the alleged offences was a solicitor at Birmingham firm Patwa; Simon ...

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    College of Law offers voluntary redundancies


    The College of Law has begun a review of staffing levels and is to offer a voluntary redundancy package to staff across its eight centres. A spokesman for the College said: ‘We hope no compulsory redundancies will be necessary. 'This review ...

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    Excellence awards open for entries


    The Gazette opened nominations for its Legal Personality of the Year award this week, following the success of last year’s inaugural award. The Gazette award forms part of a suite of Law Society Excellence Awards designed to recognise outstanding individuals and teams within the profession. ...

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    Criminal procedure


    Sentencing - Jurisdiction - Life prisoners - Mandatory life imprisonment R v Norman Hull: CA (Crim Div) (Lord Justice Pitchford, Mr Justice Wilkie, Judge Nicholas Cooke QC): 19 May 2011 ...

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    Criminal procedure


    Acquittals - Double jeopardy - Fresh evidence - Murder R v Dobson: CA (Crim Div) (Lord Chief Justice Lord Judge, Mrs Justice Rafferty, Mr Justice Holroyde): 18 May 2011 The ...

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    Local government


    Housing - Intentional homelessness - Priority needs - Temporary accommodation Oxford City Council v Darren Bull: CA (Civ Div) (Lord Justices Pill, Jackson, Tomlinson): 18 May 2011 The appellant local ...

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    Landlord and tenant


    Disrepair - Landlords’ duties - Repair covenants - Residential tenancies Tanya Grand v Param Gill: CA (Civ Div) (Lord Justices Thomas, Lloyd, Rimer): 19 May 2011 The appellant tenant (T) ...

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    Landlord and tenant


    Assured shorthold tenancies - Notice - Possession - Prescribed forms Jasbir Kaur Kahlon v Andrew Isherwood: CA (Civ Div) (Lord Justices Rix, Stanley Burnton, Patten): 19 May 2011 The appellant ...

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    Human rights


    Police - Declarations of incompatibility - DNA samples - Fingerprints R (on the application of GC) v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis: R (on the application of C) v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis: SC (Justices of ...

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    Pre-action admissions


    It is now well established that part 14 of the Civil Procedure Rules, which deals with admissions, does not apply to pre-action admissions (see Sowerby v Charlton [2005] EWCA Civ 1610, which was later confirmed in Stoke on Trent CC v Whalley [2006] EWCA Civ 1137). ...

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    Insolvency remuneration


    In recent years, there has been a good deal of concern as the result of a fairly general perception that costs in insolvency cases have reached an unacceptably high level.’ So said Mr Justice Ferris in Mirror Group plc v Maxwell and others (No 2) ...

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    Responding in the fight to keep the best lawyers


    In such a tough economic climate, you would have thought assistants and associates would be keeping their heads down – and counting their blessings that they have a job at all. Not so. They’ve never been so demanding, claim some firms, and firms in turn ...

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    Avoiding a constitutional standoff


    I agree entirely with Joshua Rozenberg. Newspapers would help their own cause by just reporting the news and not stretching extra-marital tittle-tattle to several pages in each daily edition. Not door-stepping errant spouses and their young families would also be a ...

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    Bad claim form?


    Under paragraph 5.1 of practice direction 7A of the Civil Procedure Rules: ‘Proceedings have started when the court issues a claim form at the request of the claimant, but where the claim form as issued was received in the court office on a date earlier than the date on which ...

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    Commercial interest


    If I arrived in the UK without any knowledge of Clementi, Jackson, the Legal Services Act, the MoJ portal for low-value RTA claims, the CMC boom and the ‘compensation culture’, I might be forgiven for believing that ‘there are few areas where Britain is stronger than in the law’. ...