Last 3 months headlines – Page 1290

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    Solicitor faces £20,000 bill for not co-operating with regulator


    The Legal Ombudsman has won a landmark court case against a solicitor who failed to co-operate with an investigation. Howard Robert Gillespie Young, a solicitor who practised in Bolton, Lancashire for CMG Law, did not provide documents requested by the ombudsman after a complaint was made ...

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    District judges ‘more custody-minded’ than lay magistrates


    Custodial sentences are more likely to be given in cases heard by a district judge than lay magistrates, according to research commissioned by the Ministry of Justice. The study, published this week and carried out by Ipsos MORI, shows that district judges gave custodial sentences in 7% of cases, while ...

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    City law firms must remain ‘open for business’ - Hudson


    Law Society chief executive Desmond Hudson has urged the government not to consider any further cuts to business migration limits. This week a report commissioned by the City of London Corporation warned the UK was in danger of creating a perception it was not open for ...

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    Code for third-party litigation funders gets green light


    A code of conduct for third-party funders of litigation has cleared its final hurdle and will be published later this month, the Gazette can report. The voluntary code, drafted by a working party set up by the Civil Justice Council as a means of providing a ...

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    Tribunal cases will soar after legal aid cuts, charity warns


    Scrapping legal aid for employment advice will increase the number of cases going to employment tribunals, the charity Citizens Advice has warns. Responding to the government’s consultation on promoting economic growth through a strong and efficient labour market, Citizens Advice says removing legal aid for employment ...

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    A burning building without any exits


    It is difficult to concentrate on anything in Brussels at the moment other than you-know-what. The buzz of the eurozone crisis blocks out other topics.

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    Give a hand to self-litigants, says CJC


    Everything must be done to ‘simplify and demystify’ the law to help the increasing number of self-litigants, according to the Civil Justice Council (CJC). In a report to the lord chancellor and lord chief justice published yesterday the CJC calls for action to assist litigants ...

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    What would a law firm run by Darwin do?


    If Charles Darwin were alive today, what would he say about the world of Solicitors? As a reminder, Darwin wrote: 'In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment.'

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    Will consumers settle for 'legal advice lite'?


    You remember that arcade game where you whacked crocodiles with a mallet? No matter what you did another would pop up - it was as frustrating as it was futile. I imagine running a small law firm must be similarly exasperating right now. The likes of ...

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    Asylum seeker - Asylum support - Claimant's asylum application and appeal being refused R (on the application of VC and others) v Newcastle City Council; R (on the application of K) v Newcastle City Council: Queen's Bench Division, Divisional ...

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    Liability - Demand for payment - Claimant bank alleging fraud against defendants Dubai Islamic Bank PJSC v PSI Energy Holding Company BSC and others: Queen's Bench Division, Commercial Court (Mr Justice Hamblen): 24 October 2011 ...

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    Award - Appeal - Challenge to award on ground of serious irregularity Micoperi SrL v Shipowners' Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association (Luxembourg): Queen's Bench Division, Commercial Court (Mr Justice Burton): 21 October 2011 ...

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    Petition for revocation - Validity Horler and another v Everseal Stationery Products Ltd: Patents County Court (Judge Birss QC sitting as a judge of the Patents County Court): 21 October 2011 ...

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    Practice - Service out of the jurisdiction - Action or contract governed by English law Saad Investments Company Ltd v Al-Sanea: Queen's Bench Division, Commercial Court (Mr Justice Walker): 14 October 2011 ...

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    Claim form - Service - Service out of the jurisdiction SSL International plc and another v TTK LIG Ltd and others: Court of Appeal, Civil Division (Lords Justice Mummery, Arden and Stanley Burnton): 19 October 2011 ...

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    Is gaining the formal qualification of an MBA time and money well spent?


    Ask those with MBA after their name what it was like combining high-level studying with a full-time job and they don’t pull any punches - ‘horrendous’, ‘hellish’, ‘think it will be hard and then multiply that 100 times’. But ask are they glad they did it, and the answer is ...

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    Conflict of laws - Civil and commercial matters Lornamead Acquisitions Ltd v Kaupthing Bank HF: Queen's Bench Division, Commercial Court (Mr Justice Gloster): 18 October 2011 The Commercial Court, Queen's ...

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    Conflict of laws - Challenge to jurisdiction WMS Gaming Inc v B Plus Giocolegale Ltd: Queen's Bench Division, Commercial Court (Mr Justice Simon): 13 October 2011 Queen's Bench Division (Commercial ...

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    Trainee redundancies ‘unlawful’


    The Law Society is investigating claims that trainee solicitors whose contracts are terminated are being made redundant unlawfully. David Taylor, a partner at London firm Hanne & Co, said the number of redundant trainees seeking advice has risen this year for the first time since 2008. ...

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    Welsh separation of legal powers ‘inevitable’


    Further separation of legal powers between Wales and England is inevitable, leading Welsh academics have told the Gazette, as the Welsh Assembly prepares to launch a year-long consultation on creating a separate legal jurisdiction. They say the devolution process, accelerated by this year’s referendum vote in ...