Last 3 months headlines – Page 1278

  • News

    LSC recruits new chief executive


    The Legal Services Commission (LSC) has recruited its new chief executive from the UK Border Agency. Matthew Coats, currently interim head of border force, will take up his new position on 27 February. The role will then change to chief executive of the Legal Aid Agency, ...

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    Solicitors Regulation Authority set for summer move


    Staff will move into the new headquarters of the Solicitors Regulation Authority from this summer, it has been confirmed. The Cube development in Birmingham will also be the base for Midlands Law Society employees who provide support services. Chancery Lane in London will continue to be ...

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    Flawed logic on tribunal fees


    As the government announced plans to introduce fees for using employment tribunals (with a consultation seeking views on two options) it was clear that justice minister Jonathan Djanogly believes too many spurious claims are being brought against businesses under the current system.

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    Keoghs open to ABS options


    Insurance law firm Keoghs has confirmed it is keen to speak with potential investors as an option to grow its business. The Bolton-based firm is considering whether to explore any further offers from private equity sources to take advantage of the opening of the legal market. ...

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    Herbert Smith cuts alliance with European firms


    City firm Herbert Smith has confirmed it will terminate its alliance with European firms Gleiss Lutz and Stibbe by the end of the year. The alliance with Germany’s Gleiss and Benelux firm Stibbe was expected to be wound down gradually after merger talks broke down earlier this year. ...

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    Asylum law advice service preserved by Comic Relief grant


    A specialised support programme for female asylum seekers will be resurrected after a £120,000 Comic Relief grant. Rochdale Law Centre was forced to close the project in March after a previous three-year grant came to an end. The service had offered legal advice to more than ...

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    McNally tells Lords legal aid bill is in 'pristine' condition


    Justice minister Lord McNally has warned campaigners they should not expect to see significant changes to proposed legal aid cuts. McNally, who is also leader of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords, faced opposition to his government’s legislation from members on all sides ...

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    Corporate clients open to instructing ABSs


    General counsel in FTSE 350 companies are overwhelmingly open to the idea of instructing law firms that are externally owned. According to research based on replies from 51 businesses, 90% of general counsel said they ‘definitely would’ or ‘probably would’ purchase legal services from a firm which took external ownership. ...

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    SRA warning to legal aid lawyers


    The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has urged firms to take care with vulnerable clients and uphold standards even if legal aid cuts are in force.

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    New governance accord agreed between Law Society and SRA


    The Law Society has voiced confidence that new governance arrangements agreed with the solicitors' regulator will 'stand the test of time'. Chancery Lane was responding to the conclusion of a review by the Legal Services Board of the independence of regulation from representation at the approved ...

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    Late-night taxis to keep on running


    The government has changed its mind about abolishing the tax relief for late-night taxis, so black cabs will keep on running for employees of law firms.

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    Roll up! - new EU funding for justice projects


    In straitened times for most businesses, public money can be a welcome support. It is well-known that the European Commission offers millions of euros in funding for projects over a wide span of subjects. Some law firms and legal academics apply regularly for project-funding. The Commission’s Directorate General for Justice ...

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    Getting the message on Twitter


    Poison-pen columnists looking for a cheap shot can always rely on the ‘judges out of touch’ jibe. So it came as something of a welcome surprise to some to see the lord chief justice dealing firmly with the issue of Twitter in court last week. Not ...

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    City judicial diversity forum has not met in two years


    A group of top lawyers set up to help overcome barriers to City solicitors applying for the judiciary has failed to meet for almost two years, the Gazette can reveal. The group, part of a drive to improve judicial diversity, was also asked to find ways of encouraging more women, ...

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    Filming will not turn courts into 'theatre', pledges Clarke


    Justice secretary Ken Clarke (pictured) has insisted he will not allow courts to become ‘theatre’ despite allowing cameras inside for the first time. The government is planning to change the law to remove the ban on cameras in court, starting with the Court of Appeal and ...

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    The rainmaker’s bible


    In drought conditions the term ‘rainmaking’ was commonly used by the American Indians who used magical powers to bring the rain to nourish the crops and feed the people - not unlike the current drought conditions that legal firms are experiencing in new instructions. Today a rainmaker is a person ...

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    Pre-packs or the perception of pre-packs? That is the question


    Pre-pack sales of the business or assets of companies entering administration have always been controversial. Depending upon your standpoint, they can be perceived and characterised as: 1. an effective means of ensuring the rescue of viable businesses and the saving of jobs; 2. a legitimate ...

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    'Belief’ in animal welfare protects employee


    In a landmark decision, the Employment Tribunal decided fervent anti-fox hunting campaigner Joe Hashman was protected from discrimination because of his beliefs in animal welfare. Mr Hashman was employed by a garden centre. He was a keen animal rights campaigner and had given evidence in ...

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    Breach - Oral contract - First defendant selling popular sauce Bailey and another v Graham and others: Chancery Division (Judge Pelling QC (Sitting as a Judge of the High Court)): 25 November 2011 ...

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    Award - Appeal - Challenge to award on grounds of serious irregularity Ed & F Man Sugar Ltd v Belmont Shipping Ltd: Queen's Bench Division, Commercial Court (Mr Justice Teare): 18 November 2011 ...