Last 3 months headlines – Page 1275

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    Londoners will fare worst from legal aid cuts - survey


    Londoners will be hit hardest by the government’s planned legal aid cuts, a survey published by the Legal Action Group (LAG) has found. It has calculated that the capital will lose £9.33m under the proposed reforms in funding for housing, employment, debt, welfare benefits and immigration ...

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    What to do about the Syrian Bar?


    We should spare a thought for lawyers in Syria. I know that we have large issues like alternative business structures and legal aid to concern us, but they have a life-and-death struggle on their hands.

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    US giant sets up English law practice


    Major US firm Davis Polk & Wardwell is to set up an English law practice in a bid to break new markets from London. The move marks a new stage in the rivalry between New York and London jurisdictions. The firm, which opened in London ...

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    Family lawyers renew attack on ‘devastating’ legal aid cuts


    Removing legal aid for private family cases could lead to thousands of children losing contact with a parent and many families being left dependant on welfare benefits, family lawyers warn today. In a renewed attack on provisions of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of ...

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    Marvo Dave and the albatross trick


    David Cameron truly is a magician. Not in the Paul Daniels sense, of course, although I’m sure SamCam would make an equally lovely Debbie McGhee. His main trick is the power of persuasion. He has convinced the working man and woman to sneer at the words health and safety in ...

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    Legal aid cuts are false economy, says study


    Planned cuts to legal aid in private family work, social welfare law and clinical negligence will save less than half the sum predicted by the government, according to an independent economic study published today. The Law Society’s chief executive, Desmond Hudson, said the report’s findings ‘fatally undermine’ Ministry of Justice ...

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    Obscenity trial shows up outdated law


    In 1961, the case of R v Penguin books, more commonly known as the Lady Chatterley trial, exposed the gulf between what the English establishment and the public considered to be obscene. On Friday, it happened again when defendant Michael Peacock was found not guilty of publishing ‘obscene’ gay BDSM ...

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    European and US lawyers warn IMF on threats to independence


    Two bodies representing 1.4m lawyers across Europe and the US have formally warned the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that reforms imposed as part of economic rescue measures could undermine the independence of the legal profession.

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    Should doom merchants have gone to Specsavers?


    With the new year came the long-awaited announcement that the Solicitors Regulation Authority has begun processing applications from companies looking to become alternative business structures.

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    Quality hallmark for HSBC’s conveyancing mini-panel


    HSBC has established a conveyancing panel of solicitors and licensed conveyancers to provide legal services to its residential mortgage customers. Solicitor member firms must have the Law Society’s Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS) accreditation. The panel, managed by Countrywide, will launch on Monday across the UK. Of ...

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    Profits flat at Allen & Overy


    Relocating staff to a single central London site cost magic circle firm Allen & Overy almost £25m, it has emerged. The full cost of the move was revealed in its LLP annual report and financial statements for 2010/11. The one-off outlays meant that continuing costs rose ...

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    Planning permission - Development - Claimant local authority submitting core strategy and development plan documents for examination R (on the application of Stevenage Borough Council) v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and another: Queen's Bench Division, ...

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    Sale of land - Contract - Construction - Contractual term Aberdeen City Council v Stewart Milne Group Ltd: Supreme Court (Lords Hope, Mance, Kerr and Clarke, Lady Hale): 7 December 2011 ...

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    Landlord and tenant


    Recovery of possession - Order for possession Francis v Southwark London Borough Council: Court of Appeal, Civil Division (Lord Justices Carnwath, Lloyd and Toulson): 1 December 2011 The Court of ...

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    Charterparty - Construction Hyundai Merchant Marine Company Ltd v Trafigura Beheer B.V.: Queen's Bench Division, Commercial Court (Mr Justice Flaux): 29 November 2011 The Commercial Court decided a preliminary issue ...

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    Practice - Appeals Korashi v Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Local Health Board: Employment Appeal Tribunal (Judge McMullen QC, Mr B Beynon and Mr T Stanworth): 12 September 2011 The Employment ...

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    Constructive dismissal - Unfair dismissal McBride v Falkirk Football and Athletic Club: Employment Appeal Tribunal (Lady Smith, Mr P Pagliari, and Mr M Smith): 17 June 2011 The Employment Appeal ...

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    Infringement - Artistic work Hodgson and another v Isaac and another: Patents County Court (Judge Birss QC): 5 December 2011 The Patents County Court allowed the claimants' application for copyright ...

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    Lien - Money in client account - Money placed in solicitors’ client account in relation to main litigation Withers LLP v Langbar International Ltd: CA (Civ Div) (Lord Justices Lloyd, Kitchin and Sir Robin Jacob): 5 December 2011 ...

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    Appeal - Drug offences - Disclosure - Defendants charged with importing drugs Prosecution Appeal; R v O and ­others: CA (Crim Div) (Lord Justice Stanley Burnton, Mr Justice Stadlen and Judge Morris QC (sitting as a judge of the ...