Last 3 months headlines – Page 1273

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    Protection - Pollution - Air pollution - European directive requiring reduction in emissions R (on the application of Clientearth) v Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: QBD (Admin) (Mr Justice Mitting (judgment delivered ­extempore)): 13 December ...

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    In defiance of logic


    Supreme Court justice-elect Jonathan Sumption QC may be of a dazzlingly high intellectual calibre with a heady penchant for the Hundred Years War but, as Roger Smith intimates, is he so subjective in his view of the role of the state in modern Britain that he is willing to regularly ...

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    Focus on justice, not social engineering


    Is racism now worse than murder? A few weeks ago I heard about a couple of cases which, if accurately reported, gave me great concern about the politicised nature of our criminal justice system. It was reported that there had recently been an instance where family ...

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    Right prescription for public respect


    We are all familiar with some of the well-known pejorative words and phrases used about lawyers in general and solicitors in particular. We have spent years and probably many millions of pounds trying to improve our public image using PR firms and proposals. I wish to float an idea which ...

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    Commercial need


    I wonder whether solicitors like your correspondent Franklin Sinclair have considered that, in the long run, they might do their clients, including the most vulnerable, more good by refusing to carry out large amounts of unpaid work for the benefit of an ungrateful taxpayer, than by flogging themselves to death ...

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    Appeal - Murder - Transferred malice - Defendants shooting at each other R v Gnango: SC (Justices of the Supreme Court, Lords Phillips (president), Brown, Judge, Kerr, Clarke, Dyson and Wilson): 14 December 2011 ...

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    Cameron told: ‘engage with profession on PI’


    The Law Society has urged David Cameron to engage with the legal profession following his attack on the health and safety ‘monster’ and personal injury fees. In a speech last week, the prime minister proposed capping fees for personal injury claims at £25,000 and including ...

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    HSBC conveyancing panel size 'could harm consumer choice'


    Concerns are growing that the restricted size of HSBC’s new conveyancing panel may harm consumer choice. The bank launched the panel this week to provide services to residential mortgage customers. It has 43 members across the UK, 39 of which are solicitor firms and four licensed conveyancing companies. ...

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    LSC faces action on family law contracts


    The Legal Services Commission faces the threat of litigation from legal aid firms refused new family law contracts. Between 30 and 40 firms that made technical or clerical errors in the submission of their applications for contracts in the October 2011 bid round are taking advice ...

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    PI firms inundated over banned implants


    Personal injury firms say they are receiving hundreds of enquiries every week from women treated with now banned PIP breast implants. Up to 40,000 women in the UK have been fitted with implants made by French company Poly Implant Prothese. The Department of Health has offered ...

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    Law Society wary on shared parenting possibility


    The Law Society’s family law committee has cautioned against introducing a legal presumption of shared parenting after divorce, following indications that the government may seek to change the law. Children’s minister Tim Loughton has said that the government is ‘looking closely at all the options ...

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    Bottoms and broomsticks


    Surveying the dismal content of Berezovsky v Abramovich, Obiter can’t help feeling a little nostalgic for great court cases of the past. Our favourite, of course, is the 1961 ‘Lady Chatterley trial’, R v Penguin Books Ltd. What’s not to like about a trial where ...

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    Court out


    It’s not just English courts that are struggling with the challenges of new technology. An appeals court in Florida has ordered the retrial of a man convicted of murder - because a computer virus had erased the only transcript of the original trial. According to ...

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    Casting a net


    Never let it be said that the Law Society is old-fashioned. Our leaders know there is more to social media than a coffee in the Chancery Lane Reading Room - indeed they’ve even noticed the existence of Twitter and Facebook. Last week the Society issued practice ...

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    Memory lane


    Law Society’s Gazette, 29 January 1992 Letter to the editor: All change ...

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    Habeas corpus


    Jurisdiction - Prisoner of war - Claimant Pakistani national being captured by British forces in Iraq Rahmatullah v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and another: CA (Civ Div) (Master of the Rolls Lord Neuberger, Lord Justices ...

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    Bar chair counsels cooperation


    An independent referral bar is in the public interest and has an ‘assured future’, despite increasing competition and changing working practices, according to its new chair. In an interview with Gazette Online, Michael Todd QC said solicitors see value in the continuation of the independent bar. ‘The bar doesn’t want ...

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    No ‘hidden agenda’ in Irish legal reforms


    Ireland’s government has denied the existence of any ‘hidden agenda’ behind sweeping reforms to the legal system imposed following the country’s bailout by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The minister for justice, equality and defence, Alan Shatter (pictured), was responding to growing international concerns, first ...

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    NewLaw makes ABS move


    Cardiff-based firm NewLaw has confirmed it is among 44 ­organisations that have so far applied for alternative business structure status through the Solicitors Regulation Authority. The personal injury firm, established in 2004, submitted its application last week when the SRA became a licensing authority. ...

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    Co-op Legal has ‘ambitious’ growth plan


    Co-operative Legal Services (CLS) has launched a recruitment drive as part of ‘ambitious plans’ to expand in the consumer legal services market. The move follows CLS’s submission, at the start of the year, of its application to become an alternative business structure. It is seeking ...